Something you hope you never have to do...
This one is definitely something I hope and pray with every fiber of my being that I never have to do...
Bury one of my kids...
I have felt this way for a long time...even before I had kids. No parent should ever have to bury their child. It just seems so grossly unfair. Children have so much life in them. So much potential. So much promise. It shouldn't have to be snuffed out before it even begins. I would give anything and I mean A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G to keep this from happening if it was at all within my power.
I have a huge amount of respect for people who have to suffer through this trial. They are so very inspiring to me.
Each of my children is so special to me in so many different ways. I can't imagine my life without them in it for even a second. I hope and pray that I never have to experience that. My thoughts and prayers are with those people who do have to go through that trial for one reason or another.
I totally agree with you on this one. It would be so devastating to have to do!! Whenever I hear about someone losing a child I have nightmares for weeks that it happens to me. My other one which in my mind might even worse would be if my child were abducted! That gives me nightmares to no end!!