Friday, June 1, 2012

Identity Crisis

A little more than 48 hours ago, I had breast reduction surgery done. My recovery is going very well. They took the drains out less than 24 hours post surgery because I was barely draining anything. I am not very bruised or swollen. I am a little tired and tender/achy, but nothing like I had imagined I would be feeling.  What I am finding is the hardest thing to adjust to is my actual breasts. They are so LITTLE!!! Just like I wanted them to be! I think even smaller than I had imagined they could be. And yet, I am finding it so weird! When I look in the mirror, it's not my body that I am looking at. Seriously...from the neck down, I don't recognize myself! They are perky, and firm, and the nipples point the right way...and they aren't mine! Am I making any sense?? I know I am really going to like them...eventually...but I am still just trying to wrap my head around the whole thing! It happened so fast when I thought it wouldn't EVER happen!  I can't wait until I can try on bras and find one that fits just right. I can't wait to see how they look in a bathing suit.  I really am going to have to do some major wardrobe updating!

So overall, things are going really well! I'm just still working on adjusting to the "new me!"

Oh, I would post before and after pictures (believe me, they are DRASTICALLY different) but I think I might get flagged for inappropriate content! :D