Friday, June 1, 2012

Identity Crisis

A little more than 48 hours ago, I had breast reduction surgery done. My recovery is going very well. They took the drains out less than 24 hours post surgery because I was barely draining anything. I am not very bruised or swollen. I am a little tired and tender/achy, but nothing like I had imagined I would be feeling.  What I am finding is the hardest thing to adjust to is my actual breasts. They are so LITTLE!!! Just like I wanted them to be! I think even smaller than I had imagined they could be. And yet, I am finding it so weird! When I look in the mirror, it's not my body that I am looking at. Seriously...from the neck down, I don't recognize myself! They are perky, and firm, and the nipples point the right way...and they aren't mine! Am I making any sense?? I know I am really going to like them...eventually...but I am still just trying to wrap my head around the whole thing! It happened so fast when I thought it wouldn't EVER happen!  I can't wait until I can try on bras and find one that fits just right. I can't wait to see how they look in a bathing suit.  I really am going to have to do some major wardrobe updating!

So overall, things are going really well! I'm just still working on adjusting to the "new me!"

Oh, I would post before and after pictures (believe me, they are DRASTICALLY different) but I think I might get flagged for inappropriate content! :D


  1. You didn't take any pictures with clothes on?!? Come on! I guess I'll just have to get off my lazy booty and come see you myself. Congrats on the new you. And I hope you adjust mentally and emotionally soon. I know sometimes it's the unexpected emotions that can make or break an experience.

    By the way, not to embarrass you, but I read a short sentence or two out loud to Brandon and he would like to walk over with me to give Ben a high five. I made him promise not to stare.

    Love you!!

  2. I was thinking about this post last night and was realizing that it is probably like when people lose a bunch of weight really quickly and while it's a great thing it takes some getting used to because you have identified yourself as looking one way for so long. I'm sure you look amazing! Also being on pain meds tends to mess with reality as well. Give yourself some time and I'm sure you will be so happy! I hope you are continuing to recover well! I am so jealous! Please at least post clothed before and after pics for those who don't get to see you! LOL! If not I guess I'll have to wait until I see you next month! By the way I'm going to be in town for a couple weeks the end of July! Hopefully we can get together! Miss ya!! Love Ya!!!
