Monday, January 24, 2011

30 Days of Truth; Day 5

Something you hope to do in your life...

Ok, this one...super easy!! I hope to, one day, be able to travel wherever and whenever I want with my family. I really want to own a house on the Carolina shore where we go every summer and play on the beach till our hearts content! I want to wake up early and gather sea shells on the beach with cute, bare toed kids and crazy dogs!

I want to travel to Europe and show my kids all the amazing history that is there. Visit some castles, you know, cool things like that!

I want to take my kids to every Disney park there Euro Disney and such...'cuz who doesn't love Chinese Mickey, right?

Mostly I just want the freedom to be able to do these things. To not be tied to a job, mortgage, etc. For me or Ben. That would be my dream come true!!

If you want to see my perfect answer to this question go here because she explains it so eloquently...we already planned that we are buying beach homes in the same neighborhood...our little boys are quite good friends...

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way! I hope someday to travel anywhere, anytime and do all those things you said.... now to convince Michael ;).

    Miss you TONZ!
