Friday, January 21, 2011

30 Days of Truth; Day 4

Something you have to forgive someone else for...

This one is pretty easy...not to forgive the person, but to know who/what to write about!

Ben's ex-boss.

Most of you know that Ben left his former job about a year ago. For the last two months or so of his employment there, she made his life H.E.**. She was bitter and back biting. She was manipulative and mean. She was extremely selfish and childish and immature. She did and said the rudest things. My husband is a pretty tough guy, but he came home nearly in tears on a few occasions because of something she had done or said. She had always been such a good "friend" (I use the term loosely) and for her to turn around and stab him in the back like she did was Just. Not. Cool. In my opinion, she was trying to bully him into quitting so that she wouldn't have to fire him (for something that he didn't even do...)So when he finally did quit, then she was all sunshine and kittens and "I'm so sorry that things ended this way" and "I miss you so much, you always made me laugh so hard"...but never "I'm sorry I treated you like poo" or "I'm sorry I acted like a complete and total turd"

Looking back at the whole ugly thing, it is actually better that he left. He (and our whole family as a result) is much happier. He has been able to pursue things that he wouldn't have been able to before, and, for the most part, things around our home really are a lot better. I know this. I usually don't have issues with it. I am totally at peace with where we are right now and the things that are happening in our life, but every time someone gets me going about just better watch out because I start spitting nails!!! This I know I shouldn't do. I need to just let it go because we really are better off...but I have such a hard time with the way she treated him and then the way she just pretended like it never happened.

I guess more than anything, it just hurts. She was my friend too, or at least I thought she was. She knew the situation that our family was in and she still chose to do the things she did and say the things she said, with complete disregard to us and our feelings. Anyway, I am working on it. I really am trying to let bygones be bygones and just move on. I remind myself all the time how much better things are now and that helps. In all honesty, I am pretty sure she was encouraged to act the way she did by another ex boss of Ben's (who also happens to be her ex husband), but the bottom line is that she had the choice to listen to that influence or act for herself and we know what she chose. 'Nuff said.

1 comment:

    {Don't get ME started either!}
    I'm not a remarkably bitter person, but that girl? Wow, she makes me SICK.


    {Love you!}

    So glad you are doing the 30 days!
