Friday, January 20, 2012

Diets and Disneyland

So, every year it is my "resolution" to get in better shape, lose weight, be more healthy, yadda, yadda, yadda. And, not surprisingly, every year I fail epically. My sweet husband knows how abysmally unhappy I am in my current body and tries so hard to help motivate me to get my butt in gear and "get 'er done" so to speak. But I still struggle immensely with the motivation to finally get back my high school body. This year, I think we may have found a plan!

I have been bugging and begging Ben for years to take a trip with the kids to Disneyland. True confession: I have an unhealthy obsession with Disneyland. I don't know why...I've only been there a handful of times. I think 5 to be exact. Maybe that's it...anyway...I just love it there. It is so magical to me! There is something truly amazing about walking through those front gates and being transported to another world. I literally feel like a little kid again! I want to run up and hug Mickey and Minnie and whatever other character crosses my path! I love the food and the smells and the sounds! My parents took us all there for Christmas 4 years ago and I cried for at least half of the ride home because I really didn't want to leave. It's my dream to get stuck in the park over night!! Anyway, I digress...I came up with the idea that maybe, as each of our children turn 8 years old, we could take a family trip to Disneyland the month of their birthdays to celebrate. After all, 8 is a pretty special birthday around these parts...super fun tradition, right?!? Well, Evan turns 8 this year...thus our plan was born!

I now have a goal to be at the weight I was when we got married by the beginning of August. I currently have 38 lbs to lose to get there. This is a totally doable goal. However, I have learned something about myself...rewards for me must be tangible. I don't do well with the whole "the feeling is the best reward I could ever have!" thing...I need to have something solid to reach toward, not just a warm fuzzy feeling...

So Ben & I agreed on this deal; if I get to that goal we will take a family trip to Disneyland for Evan's 8th birthday!!! It will be even more cool because that will also be the month that Owen turns 1! What a totally fun 1st/8th birthday, yes?!? I made myself a weight loss chart/graph and it is hanging on my bathroom mirror. For once, I actually feel like I have the motivation to do this!! So, I am asking everyone to please help keep me on track!! This would mean the world to me! But, I need to also ask that, if you see any of my kids, don't say anything about it! Because if I don't achieve this goal, we aren't going and I don't want to break their hearts should the unthinkable happen! Not to mention Evan wouldn't sleep for the next six months if he knew that there was a possibility that we were going to Disneyland. We are planning on waking them up at the crack of dawn and telling them about the trip the morning that we are going to leave! :D

So, here we go! I can do this! I know I can! Please pray for me all the same though!! :)

1 comment:

  1. You can do it, Laura. And even if you don't make the 38 you will get in great shape striving for that goal. Good luck!!
